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    « "Woof woof woof!" I whispered to the old man | Main | Mercer's Langston Hall deserves all the happiness in the world »

    October 25, 2013


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    Rick Williamson

    Wish I had read this before I bought Faith's Halloween costume yesterday at T-R-U

    Anne Riordan

    I totally agree! Thank you for writing this. I already decided immediately upon watching this that I will never shop there again.

    Reiko Watanabe

    First, I want to say that I agree with this article. Children are impressionable and shouldn't be taught that natural is boring. One thing I have often worried about in this age of the internet is that our children have lost the ability to relate and interact with people because they're so absorbed with that tiny little square in front of them. Advertisers for stores such as Toys R Us certainly aren't helping.

    Having said that, however, I couldn't help but be offended by this sentence in the article: News flash to Toys "R" Us: Giving children a chance to spend a day in the natural world makes for a much greater gift than buying cheap, plastic crap made in China. While the implication that nature is boring is definitely wrong, that doe not mean that all toys are crap. Furthermore, to associate "crap" with a particular country...Well, if this commercial conveys something about Toys R Us's attitude that should lead us to boycott their products, what does this sentence convey about the author? What kind of prejudice is he letting come to the fore with that one simple sentence?


    I did not say all toys are crap. I said cheap, plastic toys are crap -- and the leading exporter of cheap, plastic crap is China. There's a difference between prejudice and fact.


    I agree - I shot this response video and the kids were naturally excited by nature!


    We agree. Thanks for speaking up. I've created the prequel to the ToysRUs banal ad: Meet the Meet the Trees Foundation website:

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