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    « When horses meet a city slicker | Main | "Woof woof woof!" I whispered to the old man »

    November 04, 2012


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    I doubt you will print this but I hope you will to show both sides. There is a huge difference between civil rights due to someone's skin color or religion and the homosexual issue. I can only agree with you that God is a loving God but He is also a just God and He will not accept sin from us that is not repented. And to repent means to change. It doesn't mean just go confess and then keep living in the sin. I know people who read this will say that I am judgmental but it is NOT JUDGING to profess the word of God. God doesn't hate the sinner, only the sin. He created a man and a woman to be together and not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Bible does read that homosexuality is sinful (See 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-27) and if one lives by the Bible, one must take the WHOLE Bible and not just the parts they like. It would be nice to just live your life by some of God's commands; the ones you like, such as loving your neighbor and honoring your parents but then just going out and stealing because you need money or coveting everything your neighbor owns, including his wife or child. What is next? To make sexual abuse of a child legal because that abuser was "born that way" Don't you see that God-created the logic in this? He did not CREATE homosexuals--if He did, He wouldn't say it was wrong. It was a choice at some time in their lives--a choice they could have decided not to act on but they did and now they are trying to make everyone believe that it is perfectly normal. Paul wrote, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel: it is the Power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith" It is so amazing to me that people do not want to accept sin as sin or even believe that the devil is alive and well! It's so much easier I guess to just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist in the name of fairness.


    Thanks Christopher for your wise and caring words...unfortunately, Minnesota has a "marriage amendment" on the ballot tomorrow...all I can do now is pray that "Minnesota Nice" will prevail. These words from Peter Rogness, Bishop of the St Paul area synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gave me hope: "Allowing for the possibility of life-long, committed same-gender relationships poses no threat to faithful heterosexual marriage, or to healthy settings for our children. But regardless of one's position on the amendment, our whole society would be well-served if the energy and money spent on this political fight were to be spent instead on support for marriage and the well-being of the children of this state. The entire political and religious spectrum would have no differences on these critical issues."
    I am a 65 year old committed person of faith, and I am voting NO on election day.

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