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    « Depression at the Renwick Gallery: Japanese internment camp art | Main | No chance to say goodbye to D.C.'s baby ducks »

    January 26, 2011


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    Tom N.

    Hi, I'm new to this blog and found it in my American Legion mag. I have a problem maybe someone can help me with.

    I have the funeral flag and medals for Cpl. William H. McKimmie whose name is on the WWI Memorial. He was a Metro Police officer who enlisted in the DC National Guard and was killed in the final hours of the war.

    The family knows very few details about his death and would be interested in learning about it.

    He was with Co. H. 316th Infantry, 79th Div.

    I would like to donate these items to any local history organization that would respect and display them appropriately.

    Chris Lancette


    That is very interesting. Let me talk to a few people and see what they might suggest and then get back with you.

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