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    « Potomac Nationals' Brian Peacock hospitalized, game goes on -- sort of | Main | Fenty for dinner, probably not. For mayor? Absolutely. »

    September 04, 2010


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    Great idea-- "What are you about as a human being?"
    That Thoreau quotation is by far one of my favorites! I liked your blog post about him, too.
    I am taking a class called "Sustaining Activism" this semester, and my professor told me about a group of Quakers who did not want to pay war taxes and thus did not make enough money to have to pay taxes. Made me think of Thoreau, from a different angle.
    His environmentalism is what mainly compels me to his writings, but his civil disobedience always fires me up.
    So I realized I should do more marches and that sort of activist work around DC, even though I'm not sure how effective it is-- it's fun, and sometimes more fulfilling in a way than less direct/tangible work.

    Chris L

    Standing up for what you believe in is always the right thing to do. Is it effective? Look at how many times American history changed because people banded together and took to the streets. From the Boston Tea Party to the Civil Rights movement and beyond, "walking the walk" has made a huge difference.

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