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    « Saying goodbye to a suit lined with great memories | Main | Potomac Nationals' Brian Peacock hospitalized, game goes on -- sort of »

    May 22, 2010


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    Chris, I gotta admit I get put in that similar situation a few times a year as I live in the ATL. I have done both responses and it is good to hear that occasionally I am not the only one who has "caved" in and parted with $$. We may never know what it is used for but we know that we felt "right" in doing it.

    Mara S

    In terms of acknowledging homeless people (or people begging... not necessarily always homeless, I guess), I feel strongly that it's probably the best thing you can do (at least in that one interaction). It helps more than a few cents or dollars that people sometimes drop in a cup.
    I always try to look likely-homeless people in the eye and smile and say something like "Good luck." Most of the time, people are incredibly grateful. Beyond just anecdotally, I've learned from working on and studying homeless issues that one of the worst parts of being homeless is the alienation homeless people feel because they are simply ignored most of the time. Just recognizing that they exist can brighten their whole day. So, letting you know that that's significant, too.

    Elizabeth | The Natural Capital

    Thank you for sharing this story. The world needs more trust like this. In DC it can be exhausting to make that eye contact and say "no, sorry," but I have held fast to my conviction that I want to acknowledge fellow human beings rather than pretending they don't exist. (Is it a southern thing?) It has gotten me my share of unwanted attention too, but more often I sense appreciation from the person I turned down, for the acknowledgment of their existence. I can only imagine what it meant to Kevin that you were willing to extend him this much trust.

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