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    « Discoveries in a dead man's home | Main | Standing in awe -- and uncertainty -- in revolutionary Boston »

    August 09, 2009


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    What would I have done if I were in the same situation? I also probably sat down with my back toward that homeless person but continued to ignore my hidden guilty feeling until I would finish my sandwich. Or, I may have just taken out my sandwich and find some other place where I wouldn’t need to feel naked. Then, this old man would be just one of many strangers I encountered that day and I would never remember again.

    Well, you made it different. Sure, you didn’t solve any homeless problem of this society, nor changed his life. But, what you gave him was not just sandwich and Gatorade but your caring heart, which is truly priceless and not many people afford to share like that. You also touched another lady (and probably some other people who you may not have noticed), who I’m sure will do something similar to another person some day. And, your story warmed my heart too!

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