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    « Legg Mason: Even the qualifiers are tennis classics | Main | Choir knocks out Scrooge at Mount Vernon Estates »

    September 27, 2008


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    Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)

    I'm sorry your trip to the mall for the festival did not pan out well.

    Here's my experience:

    Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)

    I'm sorry your trip to the mall for the festival did not pan out well.

    Here's my experience:

    Ann Loftin

    Would you like to write a short article for Fine Books & Collections magazine about this year's book festival? Which I see you are not planning to miss?! If so, write to me. Thanks, Ann Loftin

    Teri McDowell

    From a three-time veteran: Make your schedule well in advance. Decide who you want to have sign, and who you want to hear speak. Bear in mind that many of the talks are posted on the festival website later, or are on Book TV. Most important, get into line early for popular authors. I've had from 5-13 books signed at each of the last three festivals, and had great exchanges with Salman Rushdie, David Horwitz and Geraldine Brooks (two Pulitzer prize winners, together!), Nathaniel Philbrick, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Cokie Roberts, Donald Hall, Jeff Shaara and many more. Mostly, I watch the talks later on TV or the web. Also, take advantage of the free BookTV tote bags and free bottled water. Looking forward to this year!
    Teri McDowell

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