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    « President's Day Parade: Americans all in Alexandria | Main | Cherry blossoms -- and tiny loans -- blooming »

    March 09, 2008


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    Carl Boening

    Chris, as you know I'm no Democrat, but this is an extremely well-written and argued post. I agree totally with your suggestions. The last point is one that bothers me a great deal - the seating of Florida and Michigan delegates. Look, I think it's moronic that they were penalized for moving their primaries up in the first place, but if those were the rules and they broke them, they should be punished, as they were supposed to be before someone (Hillary) figured out "Hey, it matters now, and I need those delegates!" I'm sure the results wouldn't have been so lopsided if Obama had actually tried in those primaries.

    At any rate, as a Republican this whole things gives me great enjoyment, but to be honest the whole superdelegate thing is a bad joke perpetrated on the American people.

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