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    « Trying to warm up to Al Gore | Main | Library of Congress: America's past, my future »

    February 04, 2008


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    Chris was my roomie when Orion first came home. He quickly earned the nickname "Houdini" - as he repeatedly escaped our fenced-in back yard.

    Sometimes he'd go over the top. One time we were standing no more than 20 feet away as he slid out under the fence.

    The night Orion came home was a long, sleepless night - as we hopped in the car and searched deep into the night for him. (Remember... Huskies are bred to run long distances. Orion certainly did.)

    But he was a magnificent animal.

    If you are looking for a pet to join your family, please don't go through a breeder. Save an animal from your local shelter or go through a rescue group. They seem to know the fate from which you saved them - and they absolutely repay the favor with more love than you can imagine.

    Carl Boening

    Wonderful post on Orion, Chris. Brought a tear to this jaded man's eye.

    Abby Wilkerson

    You really should put a Mascara Warning on these things before you send them – I'm at work, for Pete's sake. As I type this, I'm looking at a picture on my desk of Levi, my beautiful black lab who died October 15, 2005 after nearly 14 years together. It still breaks my heart every time the anniversary of his death, of his birthday (December 3) or our anniversary (February 10) rolls around.

    My suggestion to you is if you adopt another dog (and you should), don't get another husky – you'll find yourself constantly comparing them. I learned that the hard way, and now I have a golden retriever and it's a whole new ballgame (but I often think about how much Levi would like her).

    Bill Shaw

    Thank's, Rick...your story touched me deeply.

    When Chance chose us, he walked over to my son, Jesse, laid his head on Jesse's lap and the bond was made. I'll never forget that day and I'll never forget that Jesse was with him on the day he crossed the rainbow it should have been.

    He came into our lives with Jesse, it was only fitting that he be there to stroke his fur and reassure him when he closed his eyes for the last time.

    I'm a bit jealous of your bonfire...what a great way to remember your friend and honor his passing. I'll run that idea past my wife and kids tonight, to have some kind of big celebration of Chance, once a year, to remember how he touched us and chose us to be his forever family.

    Bill Shaw

    Bill Shaw

    I'm so sorry...thanks, CHRIS!

    I was talking with a friend (named Rick) while writing the comment and I slipped up.

    Again, sorry

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