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    « Of shepherds, sheep, and baseball fields | Main | "Mac is back!" -- but which one is the question »

    January 09, 2008


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    This is the second or third time I've heard this notion about 'lily white' Iowa. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Even my spouse was surprised that Iowan Democrats would vote for Obama. Why, I asked. Is there some conventional wisdom out there that I'm not aware of that says white people won't vote for a viable candidate because of skin color? I agree with Obama. It's time to move beyond that mindset.
    Having said that, it was kind of refreshing, wasn't it? For me, I am so through with Clinton/Bush. Do you realize it's been 20 years with those 2 families. Enough, already. I still like Richardson, but that buggy doesn't look like it's going anywhere. Good luck with your writing in French.

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