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    « Politics in the pulpit: a church I won't visit again | Main | Rejuvenation: Close encounters in Pohick Bay »

    August 28, 2007


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    I think my "favorite" moment was when he said he was "immature" for what he did – no, you committed multiple felonies, you thug. You aren't immature, you're a thug. I believe in redemption and forgiveness, but not after a 4.5 minute, well-rehearsed speech. Let him pay his debt to society, then go out and start doing some good work for society, on his own (not court-ordered), and maybe we'll think about letting him back in the club of human beings again. Until then, he can rot in jail.








    Actually, Berman is correct. It is a 'tragedy' in the true sense as in the Greek tragedies wherein great men were undone or ruined by a single flaw or weakness in their own characters or personalities. So maybe you can spare Berman his job. I'm not being critical, but someone who earns his living with the written word should know what a tragedy is.
    Did I ever tell you the story about the day when I was a very young boy and my oldest brother and his friends took me deer hunting one winter day? They shot and wounded a deer and had to track the badly injured animal for at least a half mile before we caught up with it and ended the suffering with a single bullet. They felt some sort of pride. But you know what? It wasn't even their own deer. I never did eat any of the venison.

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